jueves, 13 de mayo de 2021

My Favorite Piece of Technology

 Hello guys, today I’m here to tell you about my favorite piece of tecnology, It’s a little difficult to choose because there is a lot of technology in the word, but I’m goint to choose my notebook gamer (sorry cell phone, you are also important). The notebook is all for me, I use it to study, I watch class, I making reports and my class note. It has completely replaced pencils, books, notebooks, etc.

Even though after studying, sometimes I watch series, I check my social networks, BUT if there’s one thing that takes my mind off the pandemic and online classes, is that I can play videogames and share with my friends that I can’t see them.

Maybe if I had to tell you a defect, the nootebook caused me to wear glasses (I don’t like glasses), buy if it’s to keep my eyes healthy, is okay ;D. 

3 comentarios:

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