martes, 6 de julio de 2021

How can your mayor make the world a better place?

When I was a teenager and I was thinking about what I would like to study in the future, the health area always caught my attention. To generate or achieve a balance between the physical, biological, emotional, mental, spiritual and social factors that allow an adequate growth and development of life, always seemed incredible to me (and I still believe it).

I finally decided to study chemitry and pharmacy (x reasons), and make a contribution to this area. Pharmacy has many specialties, but I'm going to focus on two. The first one is the private pharmacy, where pharmacists are the closest health professionals to homes (I'm talking about easier availability), therefore we can help in the detection of health needs, we can also educate the patient (for example, the rational use of the drugs) or oven the recommendation of a visit to the doctor.

On the other hand, the second is the pharmaceutical industry, where I'm really interested in working when I finish my career. It's important the correct manufacturing of the drug, because any drugs that the patient consumes, It must be manufactured with a strict quality control, therefore I think manufacturing a quality drug to help your well-being is very satisfying.


3 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I would also like to dedicate myself to the pharmaceutical industry!

  3. i like more the clinical pharmaceutic, even so is the good job the industry pharmaceutic


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