jueves, 29 de abril de 2021

Why did I choose my major?

Hi guys, in this blog number two, I would live to talking about my related between my childhood and my career. When I was child/adolecent, I never enjoyed to studying, It was the most boring thing in the world, I just thought to play to football or video games all day. I think that inflexion point in my life was when I started studying chemestry and honesly it was an arrow in my heart, just to think that all we see are tiny atoms, It´s AMAZING.

When I chose my career, I always wanted to keep learning about this great subject and obviously the money.

Until at the moment, I have been at university for five years and I will never regret my choice. I have been learning a lot as prefessional and most importantly, I learned to be a better person. Soon I see myself working in a hospital or industry, and why not? moving to other country and practice my profession.

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A subject you enjoyed studying

It 's a difficult question, because I have taken 54 subjects in these almost 5 years of university, I have learned a lot of things, such...