jueves, 15 de julio de 2021

A subject you enjoyed studying

It's a difficult question, because I have taken 54 subjects in these almost 5 years of university, I have learned a lot of things, such as molecules, administration, drugs, anatomy, microorganisms, etc. But the subject I enjoyed the most was Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics (I even took it online).

Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics, in a few words, It corresponds to the study of the set of processes that occur in our organism from the moment a drug is administered to the patient (regardless of the route of administration), until the absorption process begins (when the drug enters the circulatory system).

One the things I loved the most, was that I learned how to calculate with mathematical formulas, also how the drug is dristributed in our body and to know how a disease can effect the dose of the drug (for example, decreased kidney function).i 

By the way, all this a bit contradictory, because this is applied in the clinical area, but I'm not interested in working in the clinical area. I want to work in the pharmaceutical industry, I want to make drugs, but unfortunately that is where the subject Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics doesn't work for me.

lunes, 12 de julio de 2021

An expert / person in your field that you admire

Hello everyone, today I want to tell you about the teacher Orlando Campos Jara, who sadly passed away from COVID on May 1, 2021.

Fortunately I had the pleasure of meet him in my first year of university, because he was my teacher of Introduction to Calculus and Differential and Integral Calculos. I remember him doing his job perfectly, explaining a subject a thousand times if it was necessary. He also explained things with great detail and with great ease.

But the most characterized him was his cheerful personality, making us laugh a lot of with their stories, anecdotes or even their jokes in each class. Therefore, his personality caused an atmosphere in classes that was extraordinary.

All this makes me fell a great admiration for Prof. Campos. His death caused me and all the people who were able to share with him, a great pain when we heard the news.

martes, 6 de julio de 2021

How can your mayor make the world a better place?

When I was a teenager and I was thinking about what I would like to study in the future, the health area always caught my attention. To generate or achieve a balance between the physical, biological, emotional, mental, spiritual and social factors that allow an adequate growth and development of life, always seemed incredible to me (and I still believe it).

I finally decided to study chemitry and pharmacy (x reasons), and make a contribution to this area. Pharmacy has many specialties, but I'm going to focus on two. The first one is the private pharmacy, where pharmacists are the closest health professionals to homes (I'm talking about easier availability), therefore we can help in the detection of health needs, we can also educate the patient (for example, the rational use of the drugs) or oven the recommendation of a visit to the doctor.

On the other hand, the second is the pharmaceutical industry, where I'm really interested in working when I finish my career. It's important the correct manufacturing of the drug, because any drugs that the patient consumes, It must be manufactured with a strict quality control, therefore I think manufacturing a quality drug to help your well-being is very satisfying.


jueves, 3 de junio de 2021

A photo and its story


Hello everyone again, today in my fifth blog, I will tell you about this photo, its represents one of the most beautiful places in Chile.

The Alerce Andino National Park, located at the Los Lagos region (near Puerto Montt), is the most beautiful places I have ever visited. Just looking at the image, I remember the huge mountains, the deed valleys and when I walked along the many trails, even finding a wide variety of wild animals. 

As anecdote, the last time I visited the park, after many hours of walking, I arrived at the lake of the image (Chaiquenes Lake), but the rain started I had to turn back inmediately because the route became dangerous, therefore I couldn’t enjoy the place as I wished.

For this, I see the image and I miss when I admired nature but due the pandemic, I can’t do it. Also to my bad luck, the pandemic arrived just when I was planning to travel to the Paine Towers (I have never been there :c)

jueves, 27 de mayo de 2021

A meal or food I really like

Hello guys and miss I Would like to start my fourth blog with a confession; I don’t like any vegetables and when I say none, It’s none. The unusual thing is that my family is so good at eating vegetables and there are always salads on the table. 

On the other hand, fruits are my debility, opposite to the teacher, I wait all year to eat watermelon and melon hahaha.

Well, what foods do I like? It’s a difficult question, because I like a lot of foods and if I mention all the foods that I like, I will never finish. So I decided to make my top 3.

In the top 3 is Sushi, but the funniest thing is that the first time I tried it was when I was 18 years old, I always thought I wouldn’t like (I couldn’t be more wrong). Since that day, Sushi became an addiction.

My top 2 is the potato cake, It’s the typical dish that my family eats on cold days.

Finally, the top 1 is my grandmother’s carbonada, OH MY GOD, I love my grandmother’s carbonada too much, she has hands of angels. I have tried to follow her recipe, but it’s impossible (maybe she has secret ingredient :o)

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2021

My Favorite Piece of Technology

 Hello guys, today I’m here to tell you about my favorite piece of tecnology, It’s a little difficult to choose because there is a lot of technology in the word, but I’m goint to choose my notebook gamer (sorry cell phone, you are also important). The notebook is all for me, I use it to study, I watch class, I making reports and my class note. It has completely replaced pencils, books, notebooks, etc.

Even though after studying, sometimes I watch series, I check my social networks, BUT if there’s one thing that takes my mind off the pandemic and online classes, is that I can play videogames and share with my friends that I can’t see them.

Maybe if I had to tell you a defect, the nootebook caused me to wear glasses (I don’t like glasses), buy if it’s to keep my eyes healthy, is okay ;D. 

jueves, 29 de abril de 2021

Why did I choose my major?

Hi guys, in this blog number two, I would live to talking about my related between my childhood and my career. When I was child/adolecent, I never enjoyed to studying, It was the most boring thing in the world, I just thought to play to football or video games all day. I think that inflexion point in my life was when I started studying chemestry and honesly it was an arrow in my heart, just to think that all we see are tiny atoms, It´s AMAZING.

When I chose my career, I always wanted to keep learning about this great subject and obviously the money.

Until at the moment, I have been at university for five years and I will never regret my choice. I have been learning a lot as prefessional and most importantly, I learned to be a better person. Soon I see myself working in a hospital or industry, and why not? moving to other country and practice my profession.

A subject you enjoyed studying

It 's a difficult question, because I have taken 54 subjects in these almost 5 years of university, I have learned a lot of things, such...